IS "DICTOR" is designed for sound warning of passengers about arrival, departure and delay of passenger and commuter trains and sound advertisement.    The generation of the sound signal arriving at the external amplifier is made by an adapter; adapter PCB is plugged into computer. The sound signal generation concept is in selection of the speech phrases segments according to the specific announcement. The speech phrases segments are written in separate files in a special catalog. Recording of the speech phrases is performed from linear input (or microphone) at the stage of system installation with the help of a special program using special technique.

   IS "DICTOR" is complex of firmware on base of IBM PC, which allows

   IS "DICTOR" is used at Moscow, Vitebsk and Finland railway stations in St.-Petersburg, at Moscow railway station, at Rostov railway station, at Krasnodar railway station at the present time. 
Subsystem of the automatic conclusion of information with IS DICTOR on the information control panel 
   This development permits implementation of control of the work of the systems of mapping information (VIZINFORM) from the computer, on which is established/installed IS DICTOR Automatic informational conclusion system is complex of firmware and is used for:  The system of the automatic conclusion of information with IS DICTOR on VIZINFORM is put into use in Rostov on to the Don on the main RR station, in Moscow on by Kursk RR station.